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Project Title:  Temporal Lighting Optimization to Improve Lettuce Productivity and Nutritional Quality Under Superelevated CO2 Stress Reduce
Images: icon  Fiscal Year: FY 2024 
Division: Space Biology 
Research Discipline/Element:
Space Biology: Plant Biology  
Start Date: 09/01/2023  
End Date: 08/31/2025  
Task Last Updated: 07/02/2024 
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Principal Investigator/Affiliation:   Meng, Qingwu  Ph.D. / University Of Delaware 
Address:  160 Townsend Hall 
Newark , DE 19716 
Phone: 517-862-7541  
Congressional District:
Organization Type: UNIVERSITY 
Organization Name: University Of Delaware 
Joint Agency:  
Key Personnel Changes / Previous PI: None.
Project Information: Grant/Contract No. 80NSSC23K1427 
Responsible Center: NASA KSC 
Grant Monitor: Freeland, Denise  
Center Contact: 321-867-5878 
Unique ID: 15686 
Solicitation / Funding Source: 2021 Space Biology NNH21ZDA001N-SBPS E.9: Plant Studies 
Grant/Contract No.: 80NSSC23K1427 
Project Type: Ground 
Flight Program:  
No. of Post Docs:  
No. of PhD Candidates:
No. of Master's Candidates:  
No. of Bachelor's Candidates:
No. of PhD Degrees:  
No. of Master's Degrees:  
No. of Bachelor's Degrees:
Space Biology Element: (1) Plant Biology
Space Biology Cross-Element Discipline: None
Space Biology Special Category: None
Flight Assignment/Project Notes: NOTE: End date changed to 08/31/2025 per NSSC information (Ed., 7/31/24).

NOTE: End date changed to 08/31/2024 per D. Freeland/KSC. Original end date per NSSC information was 12/31/2023 (Ed., 10/5/23).

Task Description: Growing fresh food in space provides nutritional and psychological benefits to crewmembers in long-term missions. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) convert electricity to photons to regulate plant photosynthesis and secondary metabolism. To minimize the energy demand and maximize desirable crop attributes, we need to better understand how crops respond to varying light spectra and intensities. Previous research and current protocols use fixed light settings throughout the crop cycle. However, new data suggest that crop responses to light stimuli depend on the crop age. Here, we propose a new temporal lighting strategy to increase light use efficiency and nutritional quality of red-leaf lettuce by identifying optimal light spectra and intensities for each growth phase under elevated CO2. We will grow red-leaf lettuce hydroponically under LEDs with varying blue light, green light, red light, far-red light, and total light intensities over time in plant growth chambers at elevated CO2 conditions observed on the International Space Station. At harvest, we will collect and analyze data on whole-plant plant and phytonutrient accumulation. These data will reveal lettuce responses to combined effects of varying light and elevated CO2. This Early Career Investigation project will guide continued investigations to optimize crop-specific light and environmental control strategies for a desirable balance between crop yield and nutritional quality in space life support systems and Earth-based indoor vertical farms.

Research Impact/Earth Benefits: Temporally changing light quality and/or intensity for each plant growth phase allows for precise delivery of photons that can elicit balanced crop yield and nutritional quality with improved light use efficiency. We have identified spectral alternations that can be used in both space conditions and indoor vertical farms on Earth to increase nutritional quality while maintaining high yield of lettuce. This strategy will enhance the efficiency of producing fast-growing, nutrient-dense food crops for fresh consumption during space exploration and to meet the increasing demand for fresh food in urban and peri-urban areas on Earth.

Task Progress & Bibliography Information FY2024 
Task Progress: We completed a ground-based growth chamber experiment; performed twice following a randomized complete block design. The objective was to evaluate dynamic light spectra, as compared to fixed light spectra, to balance harvestable biomass and nutritional quality of red-leaf lettuce ‘Outredgeous’ under elevated CO2 concentration (˜2794 µmol·mol–1) and intermediate relative humidity (˜48%), typical on the International Space Station.

We conducted this experiment using four reach-in plant growth chambers with precise environmental control capabilities to maintain target levels. At the same light intensity (˜200 µmol·m-2·s-1), we tested four fixed light spectra (from seed to harvest) and four dynamic light-spectrum alternations, from combinations of blue, green, red, and/or far-red light. The dynamic light-spectrum alternations had light switching between the lag phase, the exponential growth phase, and the finish phase. We collected data on plant growth, morphology, coloration, and nutritional quality and analyzed data in statistical software, JMP Pro, using Tukey's honest significant difference test.

We found that low blue light in the lag and exponential growth phases, followed by short-term high blue light in the finish phase, improves lettuce nutritional quality without decreasing biomass as seen under long-term high blue light. Spectrum selection in the earlier phases should prioritize the photosynthetic photon efficacy of light-emitting diodes to maximize light use efficiency.

We are in the process of completing a second ground-based experiment, the objective of which is to characterize how alternating light quantity over time affects lettuce light use efficiency and final nutritional quality under elevated CO2 and moderate relative humidity. Several hardware-related issues from the plant growth chambers caused delays in completing the second experiment by now; however, they have been resolved through dedicated troubleshooting and testing. We plan to finish performing two replications of the second experiment by the end of 2024, and analyzing and visualizing all data by summer of 2025. A one-year no-cost extension is requested to ensure satisfactory completion of all aims in this project.

Bibliography: Description: (Last Updated: ) 

Show Cumulative Bibliography
 None in FY 2024
Project Title:  Temporal Lighting Optimization to Improve Lettuce Productivity and Nutritional Quality Under Superelevated CO2 Stress Reduce
Images: icon  Fiscal Year: FY 2023 
Division: Space Biology 
Research Discipline/Element:
Space Biology: Plant Biology  
Start Date: 09/01/2023  
End Date: 08/31/2024  
Task Last Updated: 10/03/2023 
Download Task Book report in PDF pdf
Principal Investigator/Affiliation:   Meng, Qingwu  Ph.D. / University Of Delaware 
Address:  160 Townsend Hall 
Newark , DE 19716 
Phone: 517-862-7541  
Congressional District:
Organization Type: UNIVERSITY 
Organization Name: University Of Delaware 
Joint Agency:  
Project Information: Grant/Contract No. 80NSSC23K1427 
Responsible Center: NASA KSC 
Grant Monitor: Freeland, Denise  
Center Contact: 321-867-5878 
Unique ID: 15686 
Solicitation / Funding Source: 2021 Space Biology NNH21ZDA001N-SBPS E.9: Plant Studies 
Grant/Contract No.: 80NSSC23K1427 
Project Type: Ground 
Flight Program:  
No. of Post Docs:  
No. of PhD Candidates:  
No. of Master's Candidates:
No. of Bachelor's Candidates:
No. of PhD Degrees:  
No. of Master's Degrees:  
No. of Bachelor's Degrees:  
Space Biology Element: (1) Plant Biology
Space Biology Cross-Element Discipline: None
Space Biology Special Category: None
Flight Assignment/Project Notes: NOTE: End date changed to 08/31/2024 per D. Freeland/KSC. Original end date per NSSC information was 12/31/2023 (Ed., 10/5/23).

Task Description: Growing fresh food in space provides nutritional and psychological benefits to crewmembers in long-term missions. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) convert electricity to photons to regulate plant photosynthesis and secondary metabolism. To minimize the energy demand and maximize desirable crop attributes, we need to better understand how crops respond to varying light spectra and intensities. Previous research and current protocols use fixed light settings throughout the crop cycle. However, new data suggest that crop responses to light stimuli depend on the crop age. Here, we propose a new temporal lighting strategy to increase light use efficiency and nutritional quality of red-leaf lettuce by identifying optimal light spectra and intensities for each growth phase under superelevated CO2 stress. We will grow red-leaf lettuce hydroponically under LEDs with varying blue light, red light, far-red light, and total light intensities over time in plant growth chambers at superelevated CO2 conditions observed on the International Space Station. At harvest, we will collect and analyze data on whole-plant photosynthesis and phytonutrient accumulation. These data will reveal lettuce responses to combined effects of varying light and increased CO2 stress. This one-year Early Career Investigation will guide future full-scale investigations to optimize crop-specific light and environmental control strategies for a desirable balance between crop yield and nutritional quality in space life support systems.

Research Impact/Earth Benefits:

Task Progress & Bibliography Information FY2023 
Task Progress: New project for FY2023

Bibliography: Description: (Last Updated: ) 

Show Cumulative Bibliography
 None in FY 2023