

December 22, 2006 Current Awareness

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  1. Payne MW, Williams DR, Trudel G. Space flight rehabilitation. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2006 Dec 12; [Epub ahead of print]
  2. Grenon SM, Xiao X, Hurwitz S, Sheynberg N, Kim C, Seely EW, Cohen RJ, Williams GH. Why is orthostatic tolerance lower in women than in men? Renal and cardiovascular responses to simulated microgravity and the role of midodrine. J Investig Med. 2006 May;54(4):180-90. (HSR&T PIs: R.J. Cohen, G.H. Williams)
  3. Elmore E, Lao XY, Kapadia R, Redpath JL. The effect of dose rate on radiation-induced neoplastic transformation in vitro by low doses of low-LET radiation. Radiat Res. 2006 Dec;166(6):832-8. (HSR&T PI: J.L. Redpath)
  4. Villasana L, Acevedo S, Poage C, Raber J. Sex- and APOE isoform-dependent effects of radiation on cognitive function. Radiat Res. 2006 Dec;166(6):883-91. (HSR&T PI: J. Raber)
  5. Ponomarev AL, Belli M, Hahnfeldt PJ, Hlatky L, Sachs RK, Cucinotta FA. A robust procedure for removing background damage in assays of radiation-induced DNA fragment distributions. Radiat Res. 2006 Dec;166(6):908-16. (HSR&T PIs: L. Hlatky, F.A. Cucinotta)
  6. Fakir H, Sachs RK, Stenerlow B, Hofmann W. Clusters of DNA double-strand breaks induced by different doses of nitrogen ions for various LETs: Experimental measurements and theoretical analyses. Radiat Res. 2006 Dec;166(6):917-27. (HSR&T PIs: R.K. Sachs/L. Hlatky)
  7. Hoel DG. Ionizing radiation and cardiovascular disease. Ann NY Acad Sci. 2006 Sep;1076:309-17. (HSR&T PI: D.G. Hoel)
  8. Bruce LL, Dournon C, eds. Space life sciences. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1013-272. Note: This space life sciences issue contains 34 papers: 5 are listed below and 23 are in the "Other papers of interest" section. Six papers related to astrobiology are not listed here. The Table of Contents can be viewed at this site (find the issue).
  9. Piepenbreier K, Renn J, Fischer R, Goerlich R. Influence of space flight conditions on phenotypes and function of nephritic immune cells of swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri). Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1016-24. Note: Includes STS-89 and STS-90 results.
  10. Bruce LL, Burke JM, Dobrowolska JA. Effects of hypergravity on the prenatal development of peripheral vestibulocerebellar afferent fibers. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1041-51. (HSR&T PI: B. Fritzsch)
  11. Gonzales JM Jr, Brown PB. Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus as a food source in advanced life support systems: Initial considerations. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1132-7. (HSR&T PIs: P.B. Brown/C. Mitchell)
  12. Baker PW, Leff LG. Mir space station bacteria responses to modeled reduced gravity under starvation conditions. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1152-8. (HSR&T PI: L.G. Leff) Note: Bacteria isolated from Mir were used in ground research.
  13. Kwon O, Sartor M, Tomlinson CR, Millard RW, Olah ME, Sankovic JM, Banerjee RK. Effect of simulated microgravity on oxidation-sensitive gene expression in PC12 cells. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1168-76. (HSR&T PI: R.K. Banerjee)

Other papers of interest:

  1. Guillot C, Steinberg JG, Delliaux S, Kipson N, Jammes Y, Badier M. Physiological, histological and biochemical properties of rat skeletal muscles in response to hindlimb suspension. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2006 Dec 7; [Epub ahead of print]
  2. Ji J, Tsika GL, Rindt H, Schreiber KL, McCarthy JJ, Kelm RJ Jr, Tsika R. Pur{alpha} and Pur{beta} collaborate with Sp3 to negatively regulate {beta}MyHC gene expression during skeletal muscle inactivity. Mol Cell Biol. 2006 Dec 4; [Epub ahead of print]
  3. Roy RR, Zhong H, Khalili N, Kim SJ, Higuchi N, Monti RJ, Grossman E, Hodgson JA, Edgerton VR. Is spinal cord isolation a good model of muscle disuse? Muscle Nerve. 2006 Dec 8; [Epub ahead of print]
  4. Burns AS, Jawaid S, Zhong H, Yoshihara H, Bhagat S, Murray M, Roy RR, Tessler A, Son YJ. Paralysis elicited by spinal cord injury evokes selective disassembly of neuromuscular synapses with and without terminal sprouting in ankle flexors of the adult rat. J Comp Neurol. 2007 Jan 1;500(1):116-33.
  5. Komada Y, Inoue Y, Mizuno K, Tanaka H, Mishima K, Sato H, Shirakawa S. Effects of acute simulated microgravity on nocturnal sleep, daytime vigilance, and psychomotor performance: Comparison of horizontal and 6 degrees head-down bed rest. Percept Mot Skills. 2006 Oct;103(2):307-17.
  6. Baluna RG, Eng TY, Thomas CR. Adhesion molecules in radiotherapy. Radiat Res. 2006 Dec;166(6):819-31.
  7. Hofman-Huther H, Peuckert H, Ritter S, Virsik-Kopp P. Chromosomal instability and delayed apoptosis in long-term T-lymphocyte cultures irradiated with carbon ions and x rays. Radiat Res. 2006 Dec;166(6):858-69.
  8. Shi L, Adams MM, Long A, Carter CC, Bennett C, Sonntag WE, Nicolle MM, Robbins M, D'Agostino R, Brunso-Bechtold JK. Spatial learning and memory deficits after whole-brain irradiation are associated with changes in NMDA receptor subunits in the hippocampus. Radiat Res. 2006 Dec;166(6):892-9.
  9. Prsa M, Galiana HL. A visual-vestibular interaction hypothesis for the control of orienting gaze shifts by brainstem omnipause neurons. J Neurophysiol. 2006 Nov 15; [Epub ahead of print]
  10. Chen ZY. Cell cycle, differentiation and regeneration: Where to begin? Cell Cycle. 2006 Nov 15;5(22):2609-12.
  11. Renn J, Seibt D, Goerlich R, Schartl M, Winkler C. Simulated microgravity upregulates gene expression of the skeletal regulator core binding Factor a1/Runx2 in Medaka fish larvae in vivo. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1025-31.
  12. Anken R, Forster A, Baur U, Feucht I, Hilbig R. Otolith asymmetry and kinetotic behaviour of fish at high-quality microgravity: A drop-tower experiment. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1032-6. Note: Results were compared to parabolic flight results.
  13. Kempf J, Anken R, Hilbig R. Hypergravity effects on succinate dehydrogenase reactivity in fish vestibular ganglia. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1037-40.
  14. Kondrachuk AV. Modeling of mechanical stimulation of hair cells in otolithic organs. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1052-6.
  15. Horn ER. Xenopus laevis - a success story of biological research in space. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1059-70. Note: Review of space flight experiments with Xenopus.
  16. Grigoryan EN, Anton HJ, Mitashov VI. Real and simulated microgravity can activate signals stimulating cells to enter the S phase during lens regeneration in urodelean amphibians. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1071-8. Note: Includes Cosmos 1887 and Cosmos 2044 results.
  17. Takabayashi A, Iwata K, Mori S. Adaptive changes of the eye movements for otolith stimulation in goldfish. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1079-81.
  18. Sayaka S-U, Ijiri K. Effect of hypergravity on expression of the immediate early gene, c-fos, in central nervous system of medaka (Oryzias latipes). Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1082-8.
  19. Nguon K, Ladd B, Baxter MG, Sajdel-Sulkowska EM. Development of motor coordination and cerebellar structure in male and female rat neonates exposed to hypergravity. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1089-99.
  20. Ladd B, Nguon K, Sajdel-Sulkowska EM. The effect of exposure to hypergravity on pregnant rat dams, pregnancy outcome and early neonatal development. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1100-11.
  21. Izumi-Kurotani A, Kiyomoto M, Imai M, Eguchi H. Effects of gravity on spicule formation in cultured micromeres of sea urchin embryo. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1112-6.
  22. Beier M, Anken R. On the role of carbonic anhydrase in the early phase of fish otolith mineralization. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1119-22.
  23. Beier M, Anken R, Hilbig R. Sites of calcium uptake of fish otoliths correspond with macular regions rich of carbonic anhydrase. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1123-7.
  24. Beier M, Anken R. Carbonic anhydrase is not the only factor regulating otolith mineralization in fish in dependence of the gravitational environment. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1128-31.
  25. Nguon K, Ladd B, Sajdel-Sulkowska EM. Exposure to altered gravity during specific developmental periods differentially affects growth, development, the cerebellum and motor functions in male and female rats. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1138-47.
  26. Zhang H, Xie Y, Zhou Q, Liu B, Li W, Li X, Duan X, Yuan Z, Zhou G, Min F. Adaptive hormetic response of pre-exposure of mouse brain with low-dose 12C6+ ion or 60Co gamma-ray on growth hormone (GH) and body weight induced by subsequent high-dose irradiation. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1148-51.
  27. Dai Z, Li Y, Ding B, Zhang X, Tan Y, Wan Y. Actin microfilaments participate in the regulation of the COL1A1 promoter activity in ROS17/2.8 cells under simulated microgravity. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1159-67. Note: Includes some Foton 12 results.
  28. Casolino M. Observations of the Light Flash phenomenon in space. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1177-81. Note: Summarizes observations and results of various flights, including Mir and ISS.
  29. Nymmik R. Initial conditions for radiation analysis: Models of galactic cosmic rays and solar particle events. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1182-90.
  30. Tirranen LS, Gitelson II. The role of volatile metabolites in microbial communities of the LSS higher plant link. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1227-32.
  31. Russomano T, Allan J, Beck L, Petrat G, May F, Thompsen S, Falcao F, Dalmarco G, Gurgel J, Piccoli L, de Azevedo DFG. Development of a lower body negative pressure box with an environmental control system for physiological studies. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1233-9.
  32. Erokhin AN, Berkovich YuA, Smolianina SO, Krivobok NM, Agureev AN, Kalandarov SK. A cylindrical salad growth facility with a light-emitting diodes unit as a component for biological life support system for space crews. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1240-7.
  33. Giroux R, Berinstain A, Braham S, Graham T, Bamsey M, Boyd K, Silver M, Lussier-Desbiens A, Lee P, Boucher M, Cowing K, Dixon M. Greenhouses in extreme environments: The Arthur Clarke Mars Greenhouse design and operation overview. Adv Space Res. 2006;38(6):1248-59.