

The NASA Task Book
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Project Title:  Life Beyond Earth: Effect of Space Flight on Seeds with Improved Nutritional Value Reduce
Images: icon  Fiscal Year: FY 2024 
Division: Space Biology 
Research Discipline/Element:
Space Biology: Plant Biology  
Start Date: 05/01/2019  
End Date: 04/30/2024  
Task Last Updated: 02/12/2024 
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Principal Investigator/Affiliation:   Brandizzi, Federica  Ph.D. / Michigan State University 
Address:  106 Plant Biology 
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory 
East Lansing , MI 48824-1046 
Phone: 517-353-7872  
Congressional District:
Organization Type: UNIVERSITY 
Organization Name: Michigan State University 
Joint Agency:  
Project Information: Grant/Contract No. 80NSSC19K0707 
Responsible Center: NASA KSC 
Grant Monitor: Zhang, Ye  
Center Contact: 321-861-3253 
Unique ID: 12288 
Solicitation / Funding Source: 2018 Space Biology (ROSBio) NNH18ZTT001N-Artemis1 (EM1). App A: Orion (Artemis-1) (formerly Exploration Mission-1) 
Grant/Contract No.: 80NSSC19K0707 
Project Type: Flight 
Flight Program:  
No. of Post Docs:  
No. of PhD Candidates:
No. of Master's Candidates:  
No. of Bachelor's Candidates:  
No. of PhD Degrees:
No. of Master's Degrees:  
No. of Bachelor's Degrees:  
Space Biology Element: (1) Plant Biology
Space Biology Cross-Element Discipline: None
Space Biology Special Category: (1) Translational (Countermeasure) Potential
Flight Assignment/Project Notes: NOTE: End date changed to 04/30/2024 per NSSC (Ed., 2/24/23)

NOTE: End date changed to 04/30/2023 per NSSC (Ed., 2/1/22)

Task Description: Plants are primary producers of food and oxygen on Earth, and will likewise be indispensable to the establishment of large-scale sustainable ecosystems and human survival on extraterrestrial surfaces. Owing to their small volume and minimal storage requirements, seeds are the most convenient means of plant transportation in space. However, through yet-largely unknown mechanisms, space flight affects seed quality and, consequently, the vigor of seedlings. Therefore, more research is needed to fully understand seed biology responses to space flight and, ultimately, make plants a sustainable source of oxygen and food in space.

We plan to test the effect of space flight in the Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1) [now Artemis] Orion capsule on Arabidopsis thaliana seeds with enriched nutrient stores, specifically elevated levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). These essential nutrients serve as storage reserves for the seeds and seedlings. Generally, seeds with high levels of nutrients are more likely to germinate and produce healthy seedlings than seeds with low nutrient content.

Research Impact/Earth Benefits: Successful accomplishment of our research, which is grounded upon our experience with space flight with NASA Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC)-units and A. thaliana, will increase basic knowledge of the effects of space flight on fundamental plant metabolism and to facilitate germplasm selection for extended space flight and extraterrestrial colonization. Development of seeds with high levels of nutrients is important to provide compact and efficient nourishment to humans. Because space flight conditions could impoverish the nutrient reserves of seeds, we therefore hypothesize that seeds with increased levels of BCAAs will not only better endure space flight-associated stress and produce healthier seedlings, but could also supply a greater proportion of mission-critical dietary requirements. We expect that our results will also set important foundations for translatable principles needed to increase plant nutritional value and cultivation in space flight for the long-term colonization of extraterrestrial surfaces by humans.

Task Progress & Bibliography Information FY2024 
Task Progress: In Spring 2023, our Michigan State University team sent the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) team seeds to conduct an asynchronized ground control (ASGC) using the flight environment data to replicate as near possible the conditions experienced on Orion. Additionally, a synchronous ground control (SGC) for the ASGC was conducted without the flight environmental data at the same time as the ASGC. At the completion of the controls, seeds were returned to the Michigan State University for processing in late Spring 2023. Like the flight and flight SGC, upon receiving the samples from KSC, a portion of each sample was immediately flash frozen with liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 °C for future amino acid quantification. Since receiving all of samples (flight, flight SGC, ASGC, and ASGC SGC samples), the Michigan State University team has been working on establishing the impact space on seed amino acid content, physiology of BCAA-enriched seeds and assaying the vigor of plants from space-flown seeds. Preliminary results to date have shown that seeds flown to space have maintained germinability and viability, and that seeds with altered levels of valine and leucine have increased viability when returned from space compared to ground control. We expect to be able to complete the experiments and obtain publication quality results in the coming months.

Bibliography: Description: (Last Updated: 02/15/2024) 

Show Cumulative Bibliography
Abstracts for Journals and Proceedings Brandizzi F. "Life beyond Earth: Effect of space flight on seeds with improved nutritional value." 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, Washington, DC, November 13-18, 2023.

Abstracts. 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, Washington, DC, November 13-18, 2023. , Nov-2023

Significant Media Coverage Bowling E. (Brandizzi F interview). "Michigan State University to send seeds around the moon. Dr. Federica Brandizzi interviewed to explain the science of this investigation on the Artemis I mission and its impact on advancing space biology knowledge about plants' responses to space flight." WILX, East Lansing, MI local channel 10, August 24, 2022. , Aug-2022
Significant Media Coverage Nelson S, Hollingham R. "NASA's Dr. Z. Dr. Federica Brandizzi interviewed to explain the science of this investigation on the Artemis I mission and its impact on advancing space biology knowledge about plants' responses to space flight." Space Boffins, social media podcast, December 31, 2022. , Dec-2022
Significant Media Coverage Salazar N. (Brandizzi F interview). "MSU seeds are back from space–and better than ever. Dr. Federica Brandizzi interviewed to explain the science of this investigation on the Artemis I mission and its impact on advancing space biology knowledge about plants' responses to space flight." WILS 6 News, East Lansing, MI local channel 6, January 26, 2024. , Jan-2024
Significant Media Coverage Lendzion L. (Brandizzi F interview). "MSU researchers bring home good news after sending seeds into orbit around moon. Dr. Federica Brandizzi interviewed to explain the science of this investigation on the Artemis I mission and its impact on advancing space biology knowledge about plants' responses to space flight." FOX47, East Lansing, MI local channel, January 31, 2024. , Jan-2024
Project Title:  Life Beyond Earth: Effect of Space Flight on Seeds with Improved Nutritional Value Reduce
Images: icon  Fiscal Year: FY 2023 
Division: Space Biology 
Research Discipline/Element:
Space Biology: Plant Biology  
Start Date: 05/01/2019  
End Date: 04/30/2024  
Task Last Updated: 02/10/2023 
Download Task Book report in PDF pdf
Principal Investigator/Affiliation:   Brandizzi, Federica  Ph.D. / Michigan State University 
Address:  106 Plant Biology 
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory 
East Lansing , MI 48824-1046 
Phone: 517-353-7872  
Congressional District:
Organization Type: UNIVERSITY 
Organization Name: Michigan State University 
Joint Agency:  
Project Information: Grant/Contract No. 80NSSC19K0707 
Responsible Center: NASA KSC 
Grant Monitor: Zhang, Ye  
Center Contact: 321-861-3253 
Unique ID: 12288 
Solicitation / Funding Source: 2018 Space Biology (ROSBio) NNH18ZTT001N-Artemis1 (EM1). App A: Orion (Artemis-1) (formerly Exploration Mission-1) 
Grant/Contract No.: 80NSSC19K0707 
Project Type: Flight 
Flight Program:  
No. of Post Docs:  
No. of PhD Candidates:
No. of Master's Candidates:  
No. of Bachelor's Candidates:  
No. of PhD Degrees:
No. of Master's Degrees:  
No. of Bachelor's Degrees:  
Space Biology Element: (1) Plant Biology
Space Biology Cross-Element Discipline: None
Space Biology Special Category: (1) Translational (Countermeasure) Potential
Flight Assignment/Project Notes: NOTE: End date changed to 04/30/2024 per NSSC (Ed., 2/24/23)

NOTE: End date changed to 04/30/2023 per NSSC (Ed., 2/1/22)

Task Description: Plants are primary producers of food and oxygen on Earth, and will likewise be indispensable to the establishment of large-scale sustainable ecosystems and human survival on extraterrestrial surfaces. Owing to their small volume and minimal storage requirements, seeds are the most convenient means of plant transportation in space. However, through yet-largely unknown mechanisms, space flight affects seed quality and, consequently, the vigor of seedlings. Therefore, more research is needed to fully understand seed biology responses to space flight and, ultimately, make plants a sustainable source of oxygen and food in space.

We plan to test the effect of space flight in the Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1) [now Artemis] Orion capsule on Arabidopsis thaliana seeds with enriched nutrient stores, specifically elevated levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). These essential nutrients serve as storage reserves for the seeds and seedlings. Generally, seeds with high levels of nutrients are more likely to germinate and produce healthy seedlings than seeds with low nutrient content.

Research Impact/Earth Benefits: Successful accomplishment of our research, which is grounded upon our experience with space flight with NASA Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC)-units and A. thaliana, will increase basic knowledge of the effects of space flight on fundamental plant metabolism and to facilitate germplasm selection for extended space flight and extraterrestrial colonization. Development of seeds with high levels of nutrients is important to provide compact and efficient nourishment to humans. Because space flight conditions could impoverish the nutrient reserves of seeds, we therefore hypothesize that seeds with increased levels of BCAAs will not only better endure space flight-associated stress and produce healthier seedlings, but could also supply a greater proportion of mission-critical dietary requirements. We expect that our results will also set important foundations for translatable principles needed to increase plant nutritional value and cultivation in space flight for the long-term colonization of extraterrestrial surfaces by humans.

Task Progress & Bibliography Information FY2023 
Task Progress: The flight launched on November 16, 2022, at 1:47 AM EST. In preparation for this flight, the science was refreshed, and seeds were shipped to NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) for integration into flight hardware. The mission had a duration of 25 days, 10 hours, 53 minutes. The total distance traveled was 1.4 million miles. Artemis 1 Orion spacecraft returned to Earth on Sunday, Dec. 11, 2022, and the seeds arrived as critical shipment to Michigan State University (MSU) on January 3, 2023. A portion of samples from the flight and synchronous ground control (SGC) for branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) analysis were stored at -80 C in the Brandizzi lab until they can be processed. The seeds arrived in good condition and the analyses are ongoing. Immediately upon receiving the flight and synchronous ground control samples, we began performing growth assays.

Bibliography: Description: (Last Updated: 02/15/2024) 

Show Cumulative Bibliography
 None in FY 2023
Project Title:  Life Beyond Earth: Effect of Space Flight on Seeds with Improved Nutritional Value Reduce
Images: icon  Fiscal Year: FY 2022 
Division: Space Biology 
Research Discipline/Element:
Space Biology: Plant Biology  
Start Date: 05/01/2019  
End Date: 04/30/2023  
Task Last Updated: 01/31/2022 
Download Task Book report in PDF pdf
Principal Investigator/Affiliation:   Brandizzi, Federica  Ph.D. / Michigan State University 
Address:  106 Plant Biology 
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory 
East Lansing , MI 48824-1046 
Phone: 517-353-7872  
Congressional District:
Organization Type: UNIVERSITY 
Organization Name: Michigan State University 
Joint Agency:  
Project Information: Grant/Contract No. 80NSSC19K0707 
Responsible Center: NASA KSC 
Grant Monitor: Zhang, Ye  
Center Contact: 321-861-3253 
Unique ID: 12288 
Solicitation / Funding Source: 2018 Space Biology (ROSBio) NNH18ZTT001N-Artemis1 (EM1). App A: Orion (Artemis-1) (formerly Exploration Mission-1) 
Grant/Contract No.: 80NSSC19K0707 
Project Type: Flight 
Flight Program:  
No. of Post Docs:  
No. of PhD Candidates:
No. of Master's Candidates:  
No. of Bachelor's Candidates:  
No. of PhD Degrees:
No. of Master's Degrees:  
No. of Bachelor's Degrees:  
Space Biology Element: (1) Plant Biology
Space Biology Cross-Element Discipline: None
Space Biology Special Category: (1) Translational (Countermeasure) Potential
Flight Assignment/Project Notes: NOTE: End date changed to 04/30/2023 per NSSC (Ed., 2/1/22)

Task Description: Plants are primary producers of food and oxygen on Earth, and will likewise be indispensable to the establishment of large-scale sustainable ecosystems and human survival on extraterrestrial surfaces. Owing to their small volume and minimal storage requirements, seeds are the most convenient means of plant transportation in space. However, through yet-largely unknown mechanisms, space flight affects seed quality and, consequently, the vigor of seedlings. Therefore, more research is needed to fully understand seed biology responses to space flight and, ultimately, make plants a sustainable source of oxygen and food in space.

We plan to test the effect of space flight in the Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1) [now Artemis] Orion capsule on Arabidopsis thaliana seeds with enriched nutrient stores, specifically elevated levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). These essential nutrients serve as storage reserves for the seeds and seedlings. Generally, seeds with high levels of nutrients are more likely to germinate and produce healthy seedlings than seeds with low nutrient content.

Research Impact/Earth Benefits: Successful accomplishment of our research, which is grounded upon our experience with space flight with NASA Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC)-units and A. thaliana, will increase basic knowledge of the effects of space flight on fundamental plant metabolism and to facilitate germplasm selection for extended space flight and extraterrestrial colonization. Development of seeds with high levels of nutrients is important to provide compact and efficient nourishment to humans. Because space flight conditions could impoverish the nutrient reserves of seeds, we therefore hypothesize that seeds with increased levels of BCAAs will not only better endure space flight-associated stress and produce healthier seedlings, but could also supply a greater proportion of mission-critical dietary requirements. We expect that our results will also set important foundations for translatable principles needed to increase plant nutritional value and cultivation in space flight for the long-term colonization of extraterrestrial surfaces by humans.

Task Progress & Bibliography Information FY2022 
Task Progress: NASA Award Number: 80NSSC19K0707 Space Biology Pathfinder- Brandizzi (SBP-BA) Annual Report (3/01/2021-1/31/2021)

Life Beyond Earth: Effect of Space Flight on Seeds with Improved Nutritional Value

Principal Investigator: Federica Brandizzi, Ph.D., Michigan State University.

Participating Researchers: Evan Angelos, Ph.D. candidate, Michigan State University – Obtained PhD in Fall 2021. Joanne Thomson, Ph.D. candidate, Michigan State University.

Plants are primary producers of food and oxygen on Earth and will likewise be indispensable to the establishment of large-scale sustainable ecosystems and human survival on extraterrestrial surfaces. Owing to their small volume and minimal storage requirements, seeds are the most convenient means of plant transportation in space. However, through as yet largely unknown mechanisms, space flight affects seed quality and, consequently, the vigor of seedlings. Therefore, more research is needed to fully understand seed biology responses to space flight and, ultimately, make plants a sustainable source of oxygen and food in space. To increase fundamental knowledge of plants’ responses to space flight and to facilitate germplasm selection for extended space flight and extraterrestrial colonization, this experiment will test the effect of space flight on Arabidopsis thaliana seeds enriched nutrient stores, specifically elevated levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). These essential nutrients serve as storage reserves for the seeds and seedlings. Generally, seeds with high levels of nutrients are more likely to germinate and produce healthy seedlings than seeds with low nutrient content.

In our laboratory, we are studying established Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with a significantly altered BCAA biosynthetic pathway. The key enzymes in the pathway constitute a small group that includes isopropylmalate synthase 1 (IPMS1), threonine deaminase (named L-O-methylthreonine resistant 1 (OMR1 in Arabidopsis), and acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS). These enzymes are responsible for committed steps of BCAA biosynthesis from threonine and pyruvate. The IPMS1 mutant ipms1-1D, the AHASS small subunit 2 mutant, (ahass2-1D) and the allosteric domain mutant of OMR1 (omr1-11D) show over-accumulation of certain BCAAs compared to wild type (WT), while the levels of the other amino acids remain unchanged. Therefore, these mutants are very informative to test, specifically the effect of overabundance of certain BCAAs on growth and stress responses in a model plant species. Because space flight conditions can impoverish the nutrient reserves of seeds, we therefore hypothesize that seeds with increased levels of BCAAs will not only better endure space flight associated stress and produce healthier seedlings, but could also supply a greater proportion of mission critical dietary requirements. This information will be very helpful in selecting seed genotypes for resisting space stress and in selecting food with enhanced nutritional value to humans on extraterrestrial surfaces.

After the successful completion of the Science Verification Test (SVT), we have worked on the Experiment Verification Test (EVT) experiment using seeds from all the plants of the same genotype that were pooled to create the EVT test generation. We conducted germination and viability tests. The results of these experiments were considered within the superior category of the germination and viability success criterion. We also conducted heterotrophic assays by measuring hypocotyl length of seedlings grown in the dark, with the ImageJ software. The results were well below the required value for a superior rating in the assay execution success criterion. Finally, we performed autotrophic assays with 4-week-old plants grown in soil. We measured the average fresh weight of the excised shoots for each genotype. The results were below the required value for a superior rating in the assay execution success criterion. In each of the criteria which were relevant to the EVT experiment – Flight Environment Data Availability, Sample Integrity at Recovery, Seed Germination and Viability, and Germination, Heterotrophic, and Autotrophic Growth Assay Execution – we have achieved superior ratings.

1. For Flight Environment Data Availability – the data from the data loggers, as well as the extra thermocouples, provided excellent data over the entire course of the experiment. After reviewing the data, we have found no reason to suspect that any kind of temperature gradient within the hardware would affect the outcome of the science.

2. For Sample Integrity at Recovery – we inspected all of the returned 50ml tubes and found no evidence of broken seals or free seeds inside any of the containers.

3. For Seed Germination and Viability – all genotypes were viable at rates above the superior threshold.

4. For Germination, Heterotrophic, and Autotrophic Growth Assay Execution – all experiments were completed in a timely manner and were found to be free from any kind of microbial contamination or pest infestation.

For each experiment, the relative standard error (RSE) for all genotypes was below the 10% threshold in the superior rating. On the whole, the EVT shows the robustness and reproducibility of our experiments which will allow us to accurately assess any differences in phenotypes between flight and ground samples during the primary experiment.

In preparation for the flight, parent plants of all the genotypes are being grown in an environment-controlled growth chamber under standard Arabidopsis growth conditions (21°C under a 16h light/8h dark cycle). Plants are grown simultaneously in the same chamber and randomly distributed throughout the chamber to prevent positional bias from affecting plant health or productivity.

Bibliography: Description: (Last Updated: 02/15/2024) 

Show Cumulative Bibliography
 None in FY 2022
Project Title:  Life Beyond Earth: Effect of Space Flight on Seeds with Improved Nutritional Value Reduce
Images: icon  Fiscal Year: FY 2021 
Division: Space Biology 
Research Discipline/Element:
Space Biology: Plant Biology  
Start Date: 05/01/2019  
End Date: 04/30/2022  
Task Last Updated: 02/08/2021 
Download Task Book report in PDF pdf
Principal Investigator/Affiliation:   Brandizzi, Federica  Ph.D. / Michigan State University 
Address:  106 Plant Biology 
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory 
East Lansing , MI 48824-1046 
Phone: 517-353-7872  
Congressional District:
Organization Type: UNIVERSITY 
Organization Name: Michigan State University 
Joint Agency:  
Project Information: Grant/Contract No. 80NSSC19K0707 
Responsible Center: NASA KSC 
Grant Monitor: Zhang, Ye  
Center Contact: 321-861-3253 
Unique ID: 12288 
Solicitation / Funding Source: 2018 Space Biology (ROSBio) NNH18ZTT001N-Artemis1 (EM1). App A: Orion (Artemis-1) (formerly Exploration Mission-1) 
Grant/Contract No.: 80NSSC19K0707 
Project Type: Flight 
Flight Program:  
No. of Post Docs:  
No. of PhD Candidates:
No. of Master's Candidates:  
No. of Bachelor's Candidates:  
No. of PhD Degrees:  
No. of Master's Degrees:  
No. of Bachelor's Degrees:  
Space Biology Element: (1) Plant Biology
Space Biology Cross-Element Discipline: None
Space Biology Special Category: (1) Translational (Countermeasure) Potential
Task Description: Plants are primary producers of food and oxygen on Earth, and will likewise be indispensable to the establishment of large-scale sustainable ecosystems and human survival on extraterrestrial surfaces. Owing to their small volume and minimal storage requirements, seeds are the most convenient means of plant transportation in space. However, through yet-largely unknown mechanisms, space flight affects seed quality and, consequently, the vigor of seedlings. Therefore, more research is needed to fully understand seed biology responses to space flight and, ultimately, make plants a sustainable source of oxygen and food in space.

We plan to test the effect of space flight in the Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1) [now Artemis] Orion capsule on Arabidopsis thaliana seeds with enriched nutrient stores, specifically elevated levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). These essential nutrients serve as storage reserves for the seeds and seedlings. Generally, seeds with high levels of nutrients are more likely to germinate and produce healthy seedlings than seeds with low nutrient content.

Research Impact/Earth Benefits: Successful accomplishment of our research, which is grounded upon our experience with space flight with NASA Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC)-units and A. thaliana, will increase basic knowledge of the effects of space flight on fundamental plant metabolism and to facilitate germplasm selection for extended space flight and extraterrestrial colonization. Development of seeds with high levels of nutrients is important to provide compact and efficient nourishment to humans. Because space flight conditions could impoverish the nutrient reserves of seeds, we therefore hypothesize that seeds with increased levels of BCAAs will not only better endure space flight-associated stress and produce healthier seedlings, but could also supply a greater proportion of mission-critical dietary requirements. We expect that our results will also set important foundations for translatable principles needed to increase plant nutritional value and cultivation in space flight for the long-term colonization of extraterrestrial surfaces by humans.

Task Progress & Bibliography Information FY2021 
Task Progress: Plants are primary producers of food and oxygen on Earth, and will likewise be indispensable to the establishment of large-scale sustainable ecosystems and human survival on extraterrestrial surfaces. Owing to their small volume and minimal storage requirements, seeds are the most convenient means of plant transportation in space. However, through yet-largely unknown mechanisms, spaceflight affects seed quality and, consequently, the vigor of seedlings. Therefore, more research is needed to fully understand seed biology responses to spaceflight and, ultimately, make plants a sustainable source of oxygen and food in space. To increase fundamental knowledge of plants’ responses to spaceflight and to facilitate germplasm selection for extended spaceflight and extraterrestrial colonization, this experiment will test the effect of spaceflight on Arabidopsis thaliana seeds enriched nutrient stores, specifically elevated levels of BCAAs. These essential nutrients serve as storage reserves for the seeds and seedlings. Generally, seeds with high levels of nutrients are more likely to germinate and produce healthy seedlings than seeds with low nutrient content.

In our laboratory, we are studying established Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with a significantly altered BCAA biosynthetic pathway. The key enzymes in the pathway constitute a small group that includes isopropylmalate synthase 1 (IPMS1), threonine deaminase (named L-O-methylthreonine resistant 1 (OMR1 in Arabidopsis)), and acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS). These enzymes are responsible for committed steps of BCAA biosynthesis from threonine and pyruvate. The IPMS1 mutant ipms1-1D (here dubbed ipms1), the AHASS small subunit 2 mutant (ahass2-1D; herein dubbed ahass2), and the allosteric domain mutant of OMR1 (omr1-11D; herein dubbed omr1) show over-accumulation of certain BCAAs compared to WT (wild type), while the levels of the other amino acids remain unchanged. Therefore, these mutants are very informative to test specifically the effect of overabundance of certain BCAAs on growth and stress responses in a model plant species. Because spaceflight conditions can impoverish the nutrient reserves of seeds, we therefore hypothesize that seeds with increased levels of BCAAs will not only better endure spaceflight-associated stress and produce healthier seedlings, but could also supply a greater proportion of mission critical dietary requirements. This information will be very helpful in selecting seed genotypes for resisting space stress and in selecting food with enhanced nutritional value to humans on extraterrestrial surfaces.

After the successful completion of the Science Verification Test (SVT), we began preparations for the Experiment Verification Test (EVT) experiment. We performed germination and viability testing of our WT and BCAA mutants after incubation in temperatures that would have been considered on the extreme end of the possible mission temperatures. For all the genotypes tested, there were no significant differences in % germination or % viability between the experimental test temperatures (35°C, 4°C, 49°C) and the control temperature (22°C) except for a small but statistically significant difference in germination percentage between WT 22°C (99.6% germination) and WT 49°C (97.3% germination; p value= 0.02). For the EVT, either a worst-case temperature profile or average temperature profile could be used. No modifications to the success criteria are required. The data from these experiments is currently being compiled and analyzed in preparation for our EVT report which will be sent to the Kennedy Space Center Test Operations and Support Contract (KSC-TOSC) team in February.

Bibliography: Description: (Last Updated: 02/15/2024) 

Show Cumulative Bibliography
 None in FY 2021
Project Title:  Life Beyond Earth: Effect of Space Flight on Seeds with Improved Nutritional Value Reduce
Images: icon  Fiscal Year: FY 2020 
Division: Space Biology 
Research Discipline/Element:
Space Biology: Plant Biology  
Start Date: 05/01/2019  
End Date: 04/30/2022  
Task Last Updated: 02/25/2020 
Download Task Book report in PDF pdf
Principal Investigator/Affiliation:   Brandizzi, Federica  Ph.D. / Michigan State University 
Address:  106 Plant Biology 
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory 
East Lansing , MI 48824-1046 
Phone: 517-353-7872  
Congressional District:
Organization Type: UNIVERSITY 
Organization Name: Michigan State University 
Joint Agency:  
Project Information: Grant/Contract No. 80NSSC19K0707 
Responsible Center: NASA KSC 
Grant Monitor: Zhang, Ye  
Center Contact: 321-861-3253 
Unique ID: 12288 
Solicitation / Funding Source: 2018 Space Biology (ROSBio) NNH18ZTT001N-Artemis1 (EM1). App A: Orion (Artemis-1) (formerly Exploration Mission-1) 
Grant/Contract No.: 80NSSC19K0707 
Project Type: Flight 
Flight Program:  
No. of Post Docs:  
No. of PhD Candidates:
No. of Master's Candidates:  
No. of Bachelor's Candidates:  
No. of PhD Degrees:  
No. of Master's Degrees:  
No. of Bachelor's Degrees:  
Space Biology Element: (1) Plant Biology
Space Biology Cross-Element Discipline: None
Space Biology Special Category: (1) Translational (Countermeasure) Potential
Task Description: Plants are primary producers of food and oxygen on Earth, and will likewise be indispensable to the establishment of large-scale sustainable ecosystems and human survival on extraterrestrial surfaces. Owing to their small volume and minimal storage requirements, seeds are the most convenient means of plant transportation in space. However, through yet-largely unknown mechanisms, space flight affects seed quality and, consequently, the vigor of seedlings. Therefore, more research is needed to fully understand seed biology responses to space flight and, ultimately, make plants a sustainable source of oxygen and food in space.

We plan to test the effect of space flight in the Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1) [now Artemis] Orion capsule on Arabidopsis thaliana seeds with enriched nutrient stores, specifically elevated levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). These essential nutrients serve as storage reserves for the seeds and seedlings. Generally, seeds with high levels of nutrients are more likely to germinate and produce healthy seedlings than seeds with low nutrient content.

Research Impact/Earth Benefits: Successful accomplishment of our research, which is grounded upon our experience with space flight with NASA Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC)-units and A. thaliana, will increase basic knowledge of the effects of space flight on fundamental plant metabolism and to facilitate germplasm selection for extended space flight and extraterrestrial colonization. Development of seeds with high levels of nutrients is important to provide compact and efficient nourishment to humans. Because space flight conditions could impoverish the nutrient reserves of seeds, we therefore hypothesize that seeds with increased levels of BCAAs will not only better endure space flight-associated stress and produce healthier seedlings, but could also supply a greater proportion of mission-critical dietary requirements. We expect that our results will also set important foundations for translatable principles needed to increase plant nutritional value and cultivation in space flight for the long-term colonization of extraterrestrial surfaces by humans.

Task Progress & Bibliography Information FY2020 
Task Progress: Currently our group is in the process of verifying our methodologies in preparation for the Orion EM-1 flight. In conjunction with teams at NASA we have made progress on our initial test experiments which are meant to ensure that the seeds that we expect to fly are healthy, and can be reliably produced in our lab so that we can successfully execute our experiment.

Going forward, we are preparing for the next set of tests by determining the logistics and supplies needed for preparation and integration of our seeds into the hardware which will support multiple experiments during this mission. In our lab we are also planning our seed production schedules to guarantee the timely production of healthy seed in sufficient quantities to meet the requirements for the next set of verification test experiments, and for the flight experiment. Given the relevance of seed nutrient reserves to our hypothesis, these preparations will include production of back-up generations of seed at regular intervals to ensure that we would always have fresh stock available for flight in the unlikely event that unavoidable issues delay the launch of the mission.

Bibliography: Description: (Last Updated: 02/15/2024) 

Show Cumulative Bibliography
 None in FY 2020
Project Title:  Life Beyond Earth: Effect of Space Flight on Seeds with Improved Nutritional Value Reduce
Images: icon  Fiscal Year: FY 2019 
Division: Space Biology 
Research Discipline/Element:
Space Biology: Plant Biology  
Start Date: 05/01/2019  
End Date: 04/30/2022  
Task Last Updated: 04/08/2019 
Download Task Book report in PDF pdf
Principal Investigator/Affiliation:   Brandizzi, Federica  Ph.D. / Michigan State University 
Address:  106 Plant Biology 
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory 
East Lansing , MI 48824-1046 
Phone: 517-353-7872  
Congressional District:
Organization Type: UNIVERSITY 
Organization Name: Michigan State University 
Joint Agency:  
Project Information: Grant/Contract No. 80NSSC19K0707 
Responsible Center: NASA KSC 
Grant Monitor: Zhang, Ye  
Center Contact: 321-861-3253 
Unique ID: 12288 
Solicitation / Funding Source: 2018 Space Biology (ROSBio) NNH18ZTT001N-Artemis1 (EM1). App A: Orion (Artemis-1) (formerly Exploration Mission-1) 
Grant/Contract No.: 80NSSC19K0707 
Project Type: Flight 
Flight Program:  
No. of Post Docs:  
No. of PhD Candidates:  
No. of Master's Candidates:  
No. of Bachelor's Candidates:  
No. of PhD Degrees:  
No. of Master's Degrees:  
No. of Bachelor's Degrees:  
Space Biology Element: (1) Plant Biology
Space Biology Cross-Element Discipline: None
Space Biology Special Category: (1) Translational (Countermeasure) Potential
Task Description: Plants are primary producers of food and oxygen on Earth, and will likewise be indispensable to the establishment of large-scale sustainable ecosystems and human survival on extraterrestrial surfaces. Owing to their small volume and minimal storage requirements, seeds are the most convenient means of plant transportation in space. However, through yet-largely unknown mechanisms, space flight affects seed quality and, consequently, the vigor of seedlings. Therefore, more research is needed to fully understand seed biology responses to space flight and, ultimately, make plants a sustainable source of oxygen and food in space.

To increase fundamental knowledge of plants’ responses to space flight and to facilitate germplasm selection for extended space flight and extraterrestrial colonization, in this proposal we plan to test the effect of space flight in the Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1) Orion capsule on Arabidopsis thaliana seeds enriched nutrient stores, specifically elevated levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). These essential nutrients serve as storage reserves for the seeds and seedlings. Generally, seeds with high levels of nutrients are more likely to germinate and produce healthy seedlings than seeds with low nutrient content. Additionally, development of seeds with high levels of nutrients is important to provide a compact and efficient nourishment to humans. Because space flight conditions can impoverish the nutrient reserves of seeds, we therefore hypothesize that seeds with increased levels of BCAAs will not only better endure space flight-associated stress and produce healthier seedlings, but could also supply a greater proportion of mission-critical dietary requirements.

Successful accomplishment of our research, which is grounded upon our experience with space flight with NASA Biological Research in Canisters (BRIC)-units and A. thaliana, will increase basic knowledge of the effects of space flight on fundamental plant metabolism. We expect that our results will also set important foundations for translatable principles needed to increase plant nutritional value and cultivation in space flight for the long-term colonization of extraterrestrial surfaces by humans.

Research Impact/Earth Benefits:

Task Progress & Bibliography Information FY2019 
Task Progress: New project for FY2019.

Bibliography: Description: (Last Updated: 02/15/2024) 

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 None in FY 2019